Departments - Down To Earth Alfalfa Meal 5 lb.


Down To Earth Alfalfa Meal 5 lb.

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Down To Earth Alfalfa Meal 5 lb.

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Item Number 40275

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Alfalfa Meal is an excellent soil conditioner rich in trace elements and natural growth stimulants. Recommended for all flowering plants, especially roses. Accelerates growth, and promotes larger, more plentiful blooms. It is also useful as a compost bio-activator due to its high organic matter content and ideal Carbon-to-Nitrogen ratio. OMRI listed.
o Great source of trace elements for all flowering plants
o Great for roses and earthworms alike
o Works well as a compost bioactivator due to its nitrogen to carbon ratio
o OMRI listed. CDFA Registered Organic Input Material.
o See package for application rates
o 2.5-0.5-2.5 formula

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