Departments - Strongid Equine Dewormer Paste


Strongid Equine Dewormer Paste

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Strongid Equine Dewormer Paste

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Item Number 1390035

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STRONGID(R) Paste safely removes and controls various internal parasites in horses and ponies, including mature infestations of large strongyles, small strongyles, roundworms and pinworms.

-Safe for use in horses and ponies, including breeding, pregnant and lactating mares and young foals
-Active ingredient, pyrantel pamoate, is from the chemical class tetrahydropyrimidine, which is unrelated to other classes of equine anthelmintics
-Effective against mature infections of roundworms, large strongyles, small strongyles and pinworms
-Shown to be effective against benzimidazole-resistant strongyles1 Convenient disposable syringe treats up to 1,200 pounds of body weight

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