Departments - Solo Backpack Sprayer, 3 gal.


Solo Backpack Sprayer, 3 gal.

Solo Backpack Sprayer, 3 gal.

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Your Price $94.99

Item Number 889467

$94.99/ EA
Enter Quantity

4 Gallon, Backpack Sprayer, With Diaphragm Pump, Features A Large 4.25" Opening With Filter Basket, 28" Wand & Shut OffValve Assembly, 4' High Pressure Hose, Padded Nylon Shoulder Straps, Capable Of Producing Up To 60 PSI, By Design The Diaphragm Pump Is Able To Pass Small Abrasive Particles Without Damage To The Pump Assembly, Idea For Handling Harsh Chemicals In Wettable Powder Form As Well As Liquid Formulations.
